a snowy success!

February 22, 2011

we found snow.  in fact, we found a lot of snow.  a lot of beautiful snow.

here’s hoping you have a white christmas

which also happens to be my favorite christmas movie.


unknown, martha stewart, oliveaux, agnes martin, steve depino, unknown, martha stewart, unknown, unknown unknown

advent post #23

December 23, 2009




i‘m a sucker for a good advertising campaign, or a really beautiful one.  such was the case with a fall/winter campaign for hermès.

see more photographs.

via black eiffel.

i ♥ ___

December 18, 2009

so my last final  of my last class on my last day has been canceled due to the weather!

never ever has a snow day timed things just right!

i the snow

…and this adorable jumper from oeuf.

my mom thinks these are just the ugliest shoes that i own…  but when it’s snowing, and everyone else’s feet are getting wet, mine are nice and dry and warm.

it’s shaping up to be another one of those days…

i have the classic bean boots from ll bean, but i love the jcrew sperry top siders too….

‘its really only a matter of time before everyone in paris catches on’, she said with a sarcastic tone.

jcrew & ll bean